Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Muffins done.

So I volunteered to make muffins and granola bars for a staff planning day tomorrow at work. I really enjoy baking, and I've loved my job but things recently have just seemed off. I handed in my resignation months ago because I am joining my husband in Montreal at the end of June and it usually takes a long time to fill a job like mine. 
So 8 months is a long time to be leaving a job. And it also means I hear all of the praising and complaining that happens  about a person and position when they leave, but I'm still here. It is not easy. 
I have realized today (not for the first time) that my  identity is all wrapped up in my job and in people liking me. Hence the fact I offered to bring muffins. My thought was this, "if I'm sucking at my job (which I dont think anyone would say that I am) at least I can bring muffins. I can do that right". 
But I even feel like I am sucking at that these days. 
I don't know what is wrong. My identity should be in my faith in God, the skills and abilities that he has given me and in the relationships that I have with the poeple who love me. 
Not sure how to get there at this moment. But I'm trying. 

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