Thursday, May 8, 2014

Is bigger better?

My husband and I are moving, again. We have moved more than 9 times in our 12 years of marriage and at this point have owned 4 different houses. We have lived in three different provinces so far and are moving to a fourth.

 I am tired of moving.

 With each move is a fresh start, but not before the sad good byes. With each new job comes new challenges and new failures. With each new house comes a fresh coat of paint and many new struggles. 
My husband and I don't always agree on housing, we like different things. I think that's pretty normal.  We are currently trying to buy our 5th house. And this time is no exception when it comes to differing opinions. BUT this time comes with a strange twist. My husband is already living in the province that we are moving to, but I am not, so I have to completely trust him to pick the house. All I get are photos, a Skype tour and his word. So...I  trust him, completely, but it is nerve racking. It helps that we have one mutual goal in mind, lower our debt load and live a bit more simply. 
The house he has picked allows us to do that, while still having enough usable space to be comfortable. Not as much space as I would like (or so it seems from this distance) but enough. I struggle with the bigger is better idea. I really do think bigger is better. A bigger living room, a bigger bedroom, I'd almost kill for a bigger kitchen. I look at others around me with large new houses and I get jealous. I want the bigger and better house. 
But then I remember that with those 'biggers' often comes others, bigger mortgage payment, bigger debt, 'bigger' stress (especial when I'm not working yet). I have decided that smaller is better. Who cares if my Christmas decorations will be stored in the shed, or some of my precious memories will be crammed in the crawl space under the stairs. My canning supplies and freezer will survive in the heated garage. 
My house will be full, but so will my heart.

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